Por qué Raymond Clark dice “El tiempo es un círculo plano” en True Detective: Night Country’s Finale
¡Advertencia! Contiene spoilers importantes de la temporada 4 de True Detective. Resumen Raymond Clark se hace eco de “El tiempo es un círculo plano” de Rust Cohle, insinuando una justicia cíclica en el final de True Detective. Clark aparentemente compara a Annie con la diosa Sedna, sugiriendo una fuerza sobrenatural que restablece el equilibrio en…
Cambassy lets you be your country’s digital ambassador
Cambassy is a new app that lets you share the favorite things about your town, city or country. You can think of it as a sort of breadcrumb travelogue that you leave behind for others to find and lets you include photos, tips and comments about your favorite locations. Created by Khalid Twaim and Omar…