Subscription service for Mac apps Setapp has 15,000 subscribers a year after its launch
Meet Setapp, the Spotify of Mac apps. For $9.99 per month, you can download and use more than a hundred Mac apps without spending another cent. All those apps are usually paid apps, but Setapp wants to change the model. Setapp was founded by MacPaw, an independent Mac development company based in Ukraine. While they…
AI Medical Service recauda $ 42.9 Serie B para software basado en IA que verifica las exploraciones de endoscopia en busca de signos de cáncer
Servicio Médico de IA, una empresa con sede en Tokio que desarrolla software basado en IA para ayudar a detectar el cáncer gástrico, anunció hoy que ha recaudado una Serie B de $ 42,9 millones. Los inversores incluyen Globis Capital Partners, World Innovation Lab y Sony Innovation Fund by IGV. La financiación se utilizará para…