Facebook swings at Twitter with Breaking News label
Facebook’s algorithm is terrible at surfacing breaking news, often showing urgent posts hours or even days later when more facts have since emerged or the story has changed. This has made Twitter the default home for this content, but that position has weakened since Twitter implemented its own relevancy algorithm that brings up old tweets.…
Twitter is (finally) cracking down on bots
Twitter is cracking down on bots after it announced changes to its API that will massively reduce the impact of services that allow links and content to be shared across multiple accounts, i.e. the software that powers Twitter bots. So that means an end to services that let those controlling large numbers of accounts to…
X, anteriormente Twitter, reduce los requisitos para su programa de distribución de ingresos publicitarios… con una trampa
La red social X, anteriormente Twitter, propiedad de Elon Musk, dijo el jueves por la noche que está reduciendo los requisitos para su programa de pagos para creadores. La compañía dijo que los creadores que hayan obtenido 5 millones de impresiones en los últimos tres meses serán elegibles para compartir los ingresos por publicidad, un…