El mensaje de esperanza de Final Fantasy IX aún resuena.
This game
basically saved me from a dark time and honestly i wouldn't be
as optimistic and happy as I am without this game. Final Fantasy IX
saved my life and is why I am the way I am https://t.co/Ovj4VJ4mPb
Jas idk (@Jasoverclocked) July
7, 2020
Para algunos, fue un punto de entrada al resto de la serie.
Final Fantasy IX
was my first FF when I was 14 and opened the door to the rest of the
amazing series for me and I will always love and appreciate it. ? https://t.co/nk1qi8jnBP
Problematic Queer Android (@reyirealexander) July
8, 2020
¡Ciertamente lo merece!
It’s so nice
seeing Final Fantasy IX getting so much deserved love today
— Emotional Support Tifa | bIm (@TifaSaysUrcute)
7, 2020
Esa es una declaración audaz …
They should have
just called IX "Final Final Fantasy" and stopped
making them because nothing will ever top it.
— Hans
Nelson (@hs_nelson) July
7, 2020
… pero es un sentimiento que muchos jugadores comparten!
If you call it
"the best final fantasy" in casual conversation,
everyone will know you're talking about IX
Rylee (@Hamrobber) July
7, 2020
Un elenco tan memorable.
Today is the 20th
anniversary of Final Fantasy IX, my favorite game of the whole series! I
hope many more people get to play this wonderful game and get lost in
the characters and locales I hold near and dear to me! pic.twitter.com/nwDnt4nGd6
angry dead thing (@passermine) July
7, 2020
Lamentablemente, podría pasar un tiempo antes de que veamos una nueva versión.
If Square Enix
doesn’t ever do a modernized remake of Final Fantasy IX (like RE2
Remake, not FF7 Remake)
I will be sad. https://t.co/gqAGakrJgR
Johnknight1 | BLM | No More C*ps (@Johnknight111) July
8, 2020