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Tayler Buck sobre el gran héroe de Natalie

El episodio más reciente de superman y lois, “All is Lost”, vio al Hombre de Acero titular terminar en lo que pudo haber sido su posición más peligrosa y precaria hasta el momento cuando Ally Allston comienza a desviar los poderes de Superman. Con el héroe en una situación desesperada, John Henry y Natalie tienen que vestirse para salvar al héroe. Es un gran momento para Natalie y Tayler Buck dice que es algo que cambiará la dinámica de Natalie, particularmente con su padre, en el futuro.

“Definitivamente cambia su dinámica”, dijo Buck. EW. “El hecho de que incluso le permitiera vestirse ya cambia la dinámica. Va de ‘Eres mi niña pequeña, eres mi hija. No puedes hacer esto. No puedes ponerte en peligro. necesito protegerte’, a ‘Supongo que ya no eres una niña pequeña. Todavía eres mi niña pequeña, pero tal vez te hayas ganado esa responsabilidad. Has pensado en esto y eres lo suficientemente mayor para tomarla. en esa responsabilidad. ¿Y quién soy yo para detenerte?'”

Ella continuó: “Definitivamente pensó mucho en eso. [Making the suit indestructible was the backup plan. I think she knows him so well that she was like, ‘No way is he going to go for this at first, so I’m just going to make sure he can’t destroy the suit as a little bit of a backup plan that also doubles as protection for me.’ So, it’s win-win. She’s come so far, and I think she’ll only continue to grow as a person.”

That growth is likely to include further outings in the suit. The end of “All is Lost” saw Superman still in serious condition and seemingly entirely stripped of his Kryptonian powers while previews for the upcoming “Worlds War Bizarre” have shown that while he survives, he’s not going to be up to fighting speed anytime soon, if at all. As a result, everyone else will have to step up.

“At the end of the episode, everyone is being told to step up because we have to take on the weight of the world because that’s what Superman has on his shoulders,” Buck said. “And now that he’s out of commission, the next person that goes to, the next superhero, is my father John Henry. So, Natalie of course is going to be even more worried about him because that is a lot to take on. Stubborn as she is, I’m sure she’s going to try to help him. We’ll have to find out. And the boys have a lot to do as they step up and even Lois has to step up.”

She added, “Everyone has to take on more responsibility and we’ll see how that plays out. I don’t want to give too much away, but there’s some really, really big things coming up for Natalie. Especially the last episode. That one is pretty crazy so I’m really, really excited to see how that turned out. The season is coming to an end, and so we jam-packed a lot of things in there. Things are heating up, so you definitely won’t be disappointed.

Superman & Lois airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

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